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There are 7,000 rare diseases. Rare diseases became known as orphan diseases because drug companies were not interested in adopting them to develop treatments. Less than 5% of all rare diseases have a treatment. There are no cures. People living with orphan diseases experience long diagnosis times, few medical experts, no treatments, financial hardship, and emotional stress.  


The Beyond the Diagnosis art exhibit’s focus is the rare disease patient. Artists have donated their time and talents to paint rare disease patients for this groundbreaking exhibit. Each portrait represents a single orphan disease. Our goal is to put a face to all 7,000 rare diseases. This beautiful exhibit is traveling to medical schools, research institutes, hospitals, galleries, and museums around the globe encouraging the medical community to look “beyond the diagnosis” to the patient. 


Art has been used for thousands of years to successfully convey a message, whether it be a story or a glimpse into the human spirit. At Beyond the Diagnosis, we believe art not only leaves a powerful and lasting visual imprint but creates a unique connection for the viewer.

Beyond the Diagnosis is honored to raise awareness of the following rare diseases: 

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